The Alberta Underwater Council Presents:
Divescapes Scuba Conference & Exhibition
Next: Mid-Oct, 2026 in Edmonton

Divescapes Scuba Conference '24

That's a wrap for 2024!
Thanks for all your support of GOLD PASS TICKETS!
Join us for Divescapes'26 in Edmonton
Exact date & location TBA.
Keynote Speaker:
Past Keynote Speakers:
2022: Jill Hienerth
2018: Richie Kolher
2016: Becky Schott
Michael Pitts
2014: Jill Heinerth
2012: Jim & Pat Stayer
Michael Pitts
2009: Jill Heinerth
2006: James Delgado

With World-Class Speakers' Presentations, Exhibitors, Dive Travel Specialists, Workshops,
Buffet Dinner Options, Silent Auction, Prizes & More
Divescapes in Calgary 2024!
It was amazing! Thank You!
Next Divescapes in 2026!
Mid October in Edmonton
Exact location & dates to come!
Divescapes '24 is a wrap! What an amazing lineup of Presenters, Exhbitors, Sponsors & Attendees! Thank you!

Best Value GOLD PASS: $ TBA
Other ticket choices & options also available.
RESERVE your spot by purchasing today.
Need a custom ticket due to schedule or budget concerns? Contact Cathie @AUC Office.

The AUC is proud to promote scuba diving as a safe, fun & environmentally friendly activity here in Alberta ...
And around the world. Join in at Divescapes to enjoy and learn much more than local diving, lake cleanups & club events.
Divescapes Scuba Conference is a diving show that offers our attendees a chance to learn what is new & exciting in the Under Water World World through local and international diving and underwater experts presenting on expeditions, conservation and education - from deep sea, shipwrecks or remote places.
Divescapes is a joint venture with Alberta's most dynamic Local Dive Shops, scuba club community here & from around the world: dive resorts & related businesses, boat charters, manufactureres, exotic dive travel specialsts, tourism boards, tropical dive resorts, all come to Alberta.
Divescapes' mandate strives to provide a venue to support & develop a network & partnership of resources which should expand & inspire everyone's involvement in diving and the under water world at home & around the world.
What to Expect:
Presenters: A great line-up of Speakers of excellent quality, diversity & talent with unique dive industry personalities - local & international. Please enjoy their incredible stories told with amazing video/photography for our viewing pleasure scheduled throughout Divescapes schedule - including Friday evening, all Saturday with keynote presentations on Saturday evening including award-winning Buffet dinners.
Exhibitors/Sponsors: partner together & help bring scuba community contacts & resources to Alberta.
Workshops: unique workshops are often offered, usually slightly outside of conference schedule with pre-registration.
Fun Prizes! Many exciting dive related items are generously donated by Sponsors & Exhibitors offered as Silent Auction or Raffle items. Funds raised are set aside for special AUC projects, Dive Safety, Lake Cleanups & Youth Programs in Alberta.
Our Thanks to the Divescapes Prize Sponsors past, present & future for their generous donations so AUC can further its mandate!