The Alberta Underwater Council Presents:
Divescapes Scuba Conference & Exhibition
Next: Mid-Oct, 2026 in Edmonton

AUC's Divescapes 2024
& Beyond !
2024 in Calgary 2026 in Edmonton
About The AUC's
Divescapes '
Divescapes Scuba Conference .......
Not just a scuba convention, past years have attracted many local, regional
& international
underwater enthusiasts.
​ Featuring our great Local Dive Shops
Dive Travel Specialists
Dive Charter Operators
Exotic tourism boards
Commercial Dive Schools
Local Environmental Groups
Parks Canada
and many more.
Whether you’re a diver, snorkeler
or just curious, come on out
- we’ve got you covered!
With world class presenters, exhibitors, workshops, silent auction & additional prizes for the benefit & enjoyment of Alberta's
(& beyond) scuba divers and attendees.
Thanks to Edmonton's Divescapes'22 Scuba Conference volunteers!
Look forward to another amazing Divescapes 2024 in Calgary, AB for your scuba enlightenment, education & enjoyment.
Divescapes' Mandate
Divescapes Scuba Conference's mandate:
-Promote safe & environmentally responsible diving
and provide all participants with the opportunity to:
-partner with scuba industry organizations
-develop a network of resources for underwater sports & scuba diving in Alberta, in Canada & around the world.
About the AUC
The Alberta Underwater Council is the non profit representative body for underwater activities in the province of Alberta since 1960. These underwater activities include scuba diving, snorkeling, free diving and underwater sports such as underwater hockey.
Our mission statement: The AUC represents & encourages responsible participation in and an awareness of the many underwater activities available in Alberta while seeking to preserve the aquatic environment.
Thanks for helping us celebrate AUC's landmark 60th Anniversary and Divescapes' 25th Anniversary (in 2020) delayed by two years due to Covid.
Here are just a few of the AUC’s important programs:
Discover Scuba Experience Program for Youths & Schools Groups
Intro to Underwater Hockey Sessions
Discover Local Diving at AUC’s Annual Dive Alberta Events & Lake Cleanups!!
Dive Safety, Education & Environmental Awareness
AUC’s Divescapes Scuba Conference & Exhibition - celebrating 25 years of AUC volunteers organizing this amazing scuba show!!
Please contact Cathie at the AUC Office during regular business hours or send an email to info@albertaunderwatercouncil.com
Alberta Underwater Council
11759 Groat Road, (2nd Floor, Percy Page Centre)
Edmonton, AB Canada T5M 3K6
Office Hrs: TWT, 10am-3pm
Ph: 780-427-9125
Toll Free: 1-888-307-8566

AUC's Volunteer
Terina Hancock
President, AUC
Dan Ermel
Vice-President, AUC
Cathie McCuaig
Executive Director, AUC