The Alberta Underwater Council Presents:
Divescapes Scuba Conference & Exhibition
Next: Mid-Oct, 2026 in Edmonton
Conference Areas Include:
Connect with our Exhibitors: including local dive shops, dive travel specialists, dive resorts, scuba gear mfgs, & more!
Celebrate AUC's 64 Years of Volunteers!
AUC is proud to celebrate this amazing milestone of 60 + Years
Supporting underwater sports and environmental lake cleanups in Alberta since 1960!
Auction Hall
Silent Auction & Raffles with many exciting scuba, snorkel equipment to bid/purchase raffle
NOTE: Many exciting
Dive Travel Pkg prizes!
Donated by our generous Exhibitors & Sponsors
Choose from a few Divescapes affiliated Workshops - often scheduled on Friday afternoon or Sunday morning after Divescapes
located on-site and off.
Autograph Tables
Donate to the AUC and get a Divescapes Celebrity's Autograph. Proceeds to Lake Cleanups and
Youth Programs
Choose from several of ticket options for every budget and schedule!
Need custom - contact Cathie at AUC Office
Best Value = Gold Pass
Early Bird Is Closed
Early Bird Gold Passes qualify for a change to WIN
a Shearwater Computer